Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year to you all! As I was watching the ball drop in Times Square on TV, I was thinking about resolutions for the new year. There's the ever present, "I want to loose ten pounds." of course, but then I started to think about real resolutions, resolutions that can make not only my life, but the lives of others just a little bit better and/or happier. The first of these is that I am not going to watch any tabloid TV shows such as TMZ, Entertainment Tonight, etc and I'm not going on their websites either. I already don't by the supermarket tabloids, so I don't have to worry about resolving to cut them out of my life. I would like to encourage all of you to make this same resolution. If no one is watching their shows, going on their websites, and buying their magazines, then there will be no need for the paparazzi to hound celebrities to get insight/dirt on their private lives and they will be able to live normal lives like the rest of us.

Is this overly ambitious, probably. But, as I have learned, the networks pay close attention to the ratings, and if a show doesn't bring in the ratings, they get cancelled. If a website isn't getting the hits the owners want, why would they pay for the domain name? If magazines aren't selling, why would the publishers want to print them? In the lean economic times we find ourselves in, it seems to me that if it is costing more to put the tabloids out there, whether on TV, the internet, or in a magazine, than they are making in revenues, that they just might realize that they can make better money doing something else more worthwhile or more entertaining.

An added bonus, of course, would be that HeidiMarie Schnitzer would no longer have access to what she, in her deranged mind calls "reputable news sources" from which to gather lies and slander about David Caruso that she can twist and use in her campaign of hate against him and his family.

So, in essence my New Year's resolution is this: To do everything I possibly can to cut HeidiMarie Schnitzer off from her "information" about David and his loved ones and to bring her to justice for the crimes she has committed and continues to commit against him and his family. And while I'm doing that, I'll send him a note or card once in a while to remind him that he has real fans out there that respect and care about him.

I'd like to encourage all of you to do the same thing, whether it be to David or another celebrity, send them a short note or a card and let them know how much you love and respect their work and wish them well. Don't do it so often that you appear to be a stalker yourself, just often enough to let them know you care. Remember, they're people, too and everyone likes to hear that people care about them and respect them!

1 comment:

CarusoCrusader said...

First, I would like to wish you luck, on those resolutions. We all know who much a pain it is to keep them.
Your post rings true, and holds good insight. I have already done, as you suggested, and sent Mr Caruso a card. Always had, though, I should slow down or he would think I am another stalker! LOL!
Happy New Year, to you, as well.