Friday, November 28, 2008


Welcome and thank you all for stopping by. If you are here, you're either lost or are interested in what I have to say. In this blog, I will share my personal insights and opinions on the world of television, both on the shows I watch and the dedicated people that make them possible. While I know that not everyone will agree with some of the things I say, I welcome your opinions and insights as well, just remember to keep it clean. I'll do my best not to use profanity and I'm simply asking you all to do the same!

Stay tuned for my next blog: Celebrity Stalkers vs True Fans

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

And welcome to you! Thank you for your effort in establishing this site. I agree that the best way to approach a much admired celebrity is to consider them as you might a much respected acquaintance and fellow human being who is entitled to privacy. Isn't that how we would like others we are not familiar with to behave towards us? And, all said and done, if they are not in the mood for a quick chat, we should respect that as well. Being familiar with character they play or the artform for which they are known, doesn't enable us to know what is going on for them personally at that time. Fantasizing that any artist wants to meet YOU is pure folly, methinks.
Best of luck with your site. I hope many Friends of David Caruso will come by. And also others who might wish to consider the broader issues you have raised.