Friday, March 6, 2009

Awesome Authors

This post has nothing to do with television, celebrity stalkers, or anything else I have blogged about before. I love reading romance novels, particularly Harlequin novels. (The Blaze line is my favorite!) One thing I have noticed about the novels is that almost always the author leaves a snail mail address, email address, and/or website where you can contact them. Some also have blogs that they update regularly and converse with their readers on.

Now, these authors are I'm sure very busy people. Between writing their next great novel, editing, revising, etc their work, taking care of their families, and I'm sure in some cases, working at some sort of other job, I don't know how they have time to interact with their readers online, but they do it anyway. For that, I want to say to all of them, Thank You. You make me proud to call you my favorite authors.

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