Tuesday, January 27, 2009

A different kind of celebrity stalker

I've been talking in recent blogs about celebrity stalkers such as HeidiMarie Schnitzer who are a serious threat to the lives and well-being of their victims. Today, I want to talk about a different kind of celebrity stalker. The one who gets close to the celebrity and even to an extent becomes a friend to them. For example, I know of an actress on a daytime soap that has a self-professed celebrity stalker who is the head of her unofficial website and message board and from all appearances a close friend of the celebrity. That is something I know for a fact is not true. I have met this actress personally and we have a friend in common. She has little contact with the woman who can only be described as a stalker and never gives her "inside scoop" about what is going on in her life or career. Something she gives our mutual friend on a regular basis and allows her to share with me and others.

My point is, stalkers come in many forms. They aren't all dangerous, deranged psychopaths who issue death threats like Heidimarie. There are others who from all appearances are normal people. Everyone, not just celebrities needs to be on the lookout for this type of stalker as well. And never, ever trust anyone who claims to know a celebrity, unless you know them personally and know that it's true!


CarusoCrusader said...

Quite, indeed.
I believe most, if not all, people think "dangerous" when they hear the term "stalker".

Anonymous said...

I just read you are suffering from bipolar mentall disorder. No wonder your posts make no sense. What a freak

TracyLively said...

I wondered how long it would take you to find my blog and start spewing your nonsense here. First, it's called Bipolar Disorder, not Bipolar Mental Disorder. And mental is spelled with one L, not two. And you don't really have a lot of room to be calling people names because of their medical conditions, especially when they are seeing a doctor and taking the proper medication to treat those conditions, when you yourself have been diagnosed by a court-appointed psychiatrist as "profoundly disturbed with the potential for violence". Not to mention the fact that you are at this moment, wanted on an international arrest warrant for stalking David Caruso and threatening to kill him and his family.

As for my posts not making sense, no one else has complained, so it appears that it's your limited grasp of the English language that is the problem, not my blogs.

I have no intention of engaging in any type of arguements with you, because I have no desire to give myself a migraine headache from trying to make sense of your insane ramblings. So go back to your cockroach infested little corner of the internet where the rest of the bottom-feeding nutjobs live. Or better yet, do us all a favor and go to the nearest police station and turn yourself in.

Anonymous said...

...says the bipolar whackjob..LOL

I still laugh about your rant about the "lets not read the tabloids anymore". God help NAIVE people...

TracyLively said...

I only post your comments so I can't be accused of censorship. Call me all the names you want, it just shows how ignorant you really are.

As for the "rant" in which I suggested everyone quit reading the tabloids, it's not naive, it's called suggesting a boycott of something that I, and most people with atleast a high school diploma and atleast some moral values find offensive. Let me explain this is words that hopefully you will understand. It's a simple concept called supply and demand. If people don't buy the magazines, then the people who publish them don't make any money, which means they can't pay people for the "stories" and photos they print, and no one is going to give them to the magazines for free! Without those stories and photos, they have no magazine! Which means bye-bye tabloids and bye-bye to your only "source" of "news".

KRoseLynn said...

Hey TT!! Good job on your blog here, I've enjoyed it so far!!

I see the insane keep getting insaner (or should that me 'more insane?') It didn't take her long to find you did it?

Keep up the good work!

TracyLively said...

I'm glad you like the blog! As for the insane one getting even more insane, yeah, she defintely is!

Sara said...

"Anonymous" aka Heidemarie Schnitzer is intimately familiar with mental disorders and certainly has no room to point fingers at others. Austrian psychiatrist, Dr. Karin Treichl, has diagnosed Schnitzer with severe personality disorder capable of turning deadly at a moment's notice. Other sources have suggested that Schnitzer is suffering from schizophrenia as well.