Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Heidi, Listen Up and Pay Attention!

This is the only time I am going to address this issue with you. Yes, I have Bipolar disorder. Since you seem to be completely ignorant of what it is, here is an explanation in terms you should understand. People with Bipolar disorder have more extreme mood swings than the normal person. Those mood swings cause the following:

Symptoms of mania - the "highs" of bipolar disorder
Increased physical and mental activity and energy
Heightened mood, exaggerated optimism and self-confidence
Excessive irritability, aggressive behavior
Decreased need for sleep without experiencing fatigue
Racing speech, racing thoughts
Impulsiveness, poor judgment, distractability
Reckless behavior
In the most severe cases, delusions and hallucinations
Symptoms of depression - the "lows" of bipolar disorder
Prolonged sadness or unexplained crying spells
Significant changes in appetite and sleep patterns
Irritability, anger, worry, agitation, anxiety
Pessimism, indifference
Loss of energy, persistent lethargy
Feelings of guilt, worthlessness
Inability to concentrate, indecisiveness
Inability to take pleasure in former interests, social withdrawal
Unexplained aches and pains
Recurring thoughts of death or suicide.

When a person with Bipolar is on medication and takes it the way it is prescribed, they live normal, healthy lives. They don't experience those extreme highs and lows. I don't have those extreme highs and lows, instead I have the normal feelings and moods that people without Bipolar Disorder have. I have a job as an accountant, a family, and a wonderful life. The only bad or mentally unstable/mentally challenged part of my life is you with your ignorance and psychosis. So, do me, and the rest of the world a favor. Turn off your computer and go to the nearest police station and turn yourself in. If you can't manage to do that, call the police and they will come to where you are and pick you up. Own up to what you have done and face the consequences. Let the rest of us live our lives in peace.

And for the record, I don't approve comments that include profanity, vulgarity, have nothing to do with the topic in the post, or in general make no sense to an educated person. So if I don't approve one or more of your comments, you know why!


Anonymous said...

Excessive irritability, aggressive behavior
Racing speech, racing thoughts
Impulsiveness, poor judgment, distractability..

Bingo. That explains this post or any of your other ramblings.
Medicated or not you are mentally ill. LOL

TracyLively said...

First off, I don't know how yoy think you can intelligently sit there and describe my personality since you don't know me. But atleast I admit I have an illness and have taken the proper steps to treat it. Steps, by the way, that I took on my own, without a court order or someone forcing me to do it. That's a lot more than you can say since you abandoned your family and flew halfway around the world to avoid facing your own psychosis and paying for your crimes. You should do everyone a favor, including yourself, and follow my lead. In your case, that would mean turning yourself into the police so you can be sent back to Austria to face the judge and be sent to a prison psychiatric ward.

As for you referring to my posts as "ramblings", have you read your own blogs lately? Atleast mine make sense to everyone but you and are about intelligent topics. Yours are insane ramblings that accomplish nothing other than badmouthing the object of your obsession who has done nothing to you, which I guess is the problem, he wouldn't give you an autograph or give in to your sexual advances, so you decided to stalk him and threaten to kill him and his family. You call me crazy and a loon. Take a look in the mirror. There is only one of us here who's crazy and that person is you!

CarusoCrusader said...

Now if only had more posters with a "backbone"...